Using variables / aliases / fragments / directives in queries

Using variables

In order to make a query re-usable, it can be made dynamic by using variables.

Example: Fetch an author by their author_id:

query getArticles($author_id: Int!) {
    where: { author_id: { _eq: $author_id } }
  ) {

with variables:

  "author_id": 1
query getArticles($author_id: Int!) { articles( where: { author_id: { _eq: $author_id } } ) { id title } }
{ "data": { "articles": [ { "id": 15, "title": "How to climb Mount Everest" }, { "id": 6, "title": "How to be successful on broadway" } ] } }
{ "author_id": 1 }

Using aliases

Aliases can be used to return objects with a different name than their field name. This is especially useful while fetching the same type of objects with different arguments in the same query.

Example: First, fetch all articles. Second, fetch the two top-rated articles. Third, fetch the worst-rated article:

query getArticles {
  articles {
  topTwoArticles: articles(
    order_by: {rating: desc},
    limit: 2
  ) {
  worstArticle: articles(
    order_by: {rating: asc},
    limit: 1
  ) {
query getArticles { articles { title rating } topTwoArticles: articles( order_by: {rating: desc}, limit: 2 ) { title rating } worstArticle: articles( order_by: {rating: asc}, limit: 1 ) { title rating } }
{ "data": { "articles": [ { "title": "How to climb Mount Everest", "rating": 4 }, { "title": "How to be successful on broadway", "rating": 20 }, { "title": "How to make fajitas", "rating": 6 } ], "topTwoArticles": [ { "title": "How to be successful on broadway", "rating": 20 }, { "title": "How to make fajitas", "rating": 6 } ], "worstArticle": [ { "title": "How to climb Mount Everest", "rating": 4 } ] } }

Using fragments

Sometimes, queries can get long and confusing. A fragment is a set of fields with any chosen name. This fragment can then be used to represent the defined set.

Example: Creating a fragment for a set of article fields (id and title) and using it in a query:

fragment articleFields on articles {
query getArticles {
  articles {
  topTwoArticles: articles(
    order_by: {rating: desc},
    limit: 2
  ) {
fragment articleFields on articles { id title } query getArticles { articles { ...articleFields } topTwoArticles: articles( order_by: {rating: desc}, limit: 2 ) { ...articleFields } }
{ "data": { "articles": [ { "id": 3, "title": "How to make fajitas" }, { "id": 15, "title": "How to climb Mount Everest" }, { "id": 6, "title": "How to be successful on broadway" } ], "topTwoArticles": [ { "id": 6, "title": "How to be successful on broadway" }, { "id": 3, "title": "How to make fajitas" } ] } }

Using directives

Directives make it possible to include or skip a field based on a boolean expression passed as a query variable.

@include(if: Boolean)

With @include(if: Boolean), it is possible to include a field in the query result based on a Boolean expression.

Example: The query result includes the field publisher, as $with_publisher is set to true:

query getArticles($with_publisher: Boolean!) {
  articles {
    publisher @include(if: $with_publisher)

with variables:

  "with_publisher": true
query getArticles($with_publisher: Boolean!) { articles { title publisher @include(if: $with_publisher) } }
{ "data": { "articles": [ { "title": "How to climb Mount Everest", "publisher": "Mountain World" }, { "title": "How to be successful on broadway", "publisher": "Broadway World" }, { "title": "How to make fajitas", "publisher": "Fajita World" } ] } }
{ "with_publisher": true }

Example: The query result doesn’t include the field publisher, as $with_publisher is set to false:

query getArticles($with_publisher: Boolean!) {
  articles {
    publisher @include(if: $with_publisher)

with variables:

  "with_publisher": false
query getArticles($with_publisher: Boolean!) { articles { title publisher @include(if: $with_publisher) } }
{ "data": { "articles": [ { "title": "How to climb Mount Everest" }, { "title": "How to be successful on broadway" }, { "title": "How to make fajitas" } ] } }
{ "with_publisher": false }

@skip(if: Boolean)

With @skip(if: Boolean), it is possible to exclude (skip) a field in the query result based on a Boolean expression.

Example: The query result doesn’t include the field publisher, as $with_publisher is set to true:

query getArticles($with_publisher: Boolean!) {
  articles {
    publisher @skip(if: $with_publisher)

with variables:

  "with_publisher": true
query getArticles($with_publisher: Boolean!) { articles { title publisher @skip(if: $with_publisher) } }
{ "data": { "articles": [ { "title": "How to climb Mount Everest" }, { "title": "How to be successful on broadway" }, { "title": "How to make fajitas" } ] } }
{ "with_publisher": true }

Example: The query result includes the field publisher, as $with_publisher is set to false:

query getArticles($with_publisher: Boolean!) {
  articles {
    publisher @skip(if: $with_publisher)

with variables:

  "with_publisher": false
query getArticles($with_publisher: Boolean!) { articles { title publisher @skip(if: $with_publisher) } }
{ "data": { "articles": [ { "title": "How to climb Mount Everest", "publisher": "Mountain World" }, { "title": "How to be successful on broadway", "publisher": "Broadway World" }, { "title": "How to make fajitas", "publisher": "Fajita World" } ] } }
{ "with_publisher": false }