MySQL preview


We are in the process of launching support for MySQL, and we have a preview available for you to try.

Supported MySQL versions

Hasura GraphQL engine currently supports MySQL 8.0.14 and above.

Try it out

MySQL support can be tried out using docker-compose and an existing MySQL database as follows:


Step 1: Get the docker-compose file

Get the Hasura MySQL preview docker compose file:

# in a new directory run
# or run
curl -o docker-compose.yaml

Step 2: Update MySQL config

You need to now update the docker-compose.yaml file with credentials for your MySQL database (replace the values surrounded by <>)

 - graphql-engine
 - --mysql-host
 - <mysql-host>
 - --mysql-user
 - <mysql-user>
 - --mysql-port
 - <mysql-port>
 - --mysql-dbname
 - <mysql-dbname>
 - --mysql-password
 - <mysql-password>

Our docker networking guide might be useful to set the appropriate value for mysql-host. (See Hasura to API)

Step 3: Run Hasura GraphQL engine

The following command will run Hasura along with a Postgres database required for its functioning.

$ docker-compose up -d

Check if the containers are running:

$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID IMAGE                 ... CREATED STATUS PORTS          ...
097f58433a2b hasura/graphql-engine ... 1m ago  Up 1m  8080->8080/tcp ...
b0b1aac0508d postgres              ... 1m ago  Up 1m  5432/tcp       ...

Step 4: Try out the GraphQL API

The GraphiQL on the Hasura console available at http://localhost:8080/console can be used to try out the generated GraphQL API.

The Hasura console currently does not support managing the MySQL database schema. i.e. The Data section of the console will not display the MySQL tables, etc. Hence the database schema needs to be managed externally as of now. (support for this is coming very soon)

See the source PR for more information on current limitations and upcoming features.

Keep up to date

If you’d like to stay informed about the status of MySQL support, subscribe here:

Give us feedback

We appreciate any feedback. Please open a new GitHub discussion, and we can discuss there.